Policy Design of ICT for education in Ecuador: the case of Agenda Educativa Digital 2017-2021


  • Edgar Loja FLACSO Ecuador


Public policies for the inclusion of technologies in school are increasingly welcomed by governments. This article, through the case study, analyzes the stage of policy design, specifically, the formulation of the ``Agenda Educativa Digital 2017-2021'' as a public policy instrument of ``Ministerio de Educación del Ecuador''. The purpose of this study, conducted under a network and diffusion approach, is to explain how the contents were incorporated into this instrument. Use qualitative and quantitative methods. Findings show that the formulation of the ``Agenda Educativa Digital'', to a large extent, thanks to the adoption of ``programmatic beliefs'' of external actors, who arrived at the country through diffusion mechanisms: coercion, imitation and learning, and also through inferential shortcuts that policy makers took.


Policy design, education, Diffusion, ICT