El principio protector y la regla del in dubio pro operario como criterio de interpretación de la norma laboral


  • Enrique Munita Luco Universidad de los Andes


The article consists in the review of the protection principie and its manifestation in the in dubio pro operario, from a foreign, especially continental European law, and Chilean law perspective. It is possible to conclude that the in dubio pro operario is nota principie ofLabor Law but only an interpretation criteria. The in dubio pro operario is not considered by the current European doctrine and jurisprudence. Even if estimated possible it should be applied in a very limited way. Its application could create legal uncertainty. It could never be used to fill a legal vacuum or to create situations not considered by the law.


Protection principie, in dubio pro operario, interpretation, legal vacuum filling, legal certainty

Author Biography

Enrique Munita Luco, Universidad de los Andes

Abogado. Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, Universidad de Concepción. Magíster en investigación jurídica, Universidad de los Andes.