The interregional political dialogue between the European Union and South America 2017-2020



The Interregional Political Dialogue for Security and Defense between the European Union and South America has a renewed modality, after the break between the two groups of interlocutors due to the Venezuelan issue and the internal political changes in the South American bloc. The current dialogue, managed from one side by the Foreign Service of the European Union, as a diplomatic body, and the interlocutors of various countries, establishes a prospective on global challenges from Europe that does not coincide with South American concerns, although there is consensus on values such as democracy, there is a strong difference regarding the meaning of its concrete realization. This is evidence of the difficulties of an interregional dialogue that has been expanding its agenda of issues based on generic consensus on values and that has an impact on the assessment of threats, weaknesses and opportunities in each of the counterparts.


International security, Prospective, European Union, South America, Geopolitics

Author Biographies

Cristián Garay Vera , Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Doctor en Estudios Americanos por USACH, Doctor en Geografía e Historia por UNED. Licenciado y Magister en Historia por la Universidad de Chile. Profesor titular IDEA USACH.

Luis Lira Camposano, Universidad Finis Terrae

Doctor (C) en Estudios Americanos por USACH. Magister en Estudios Internacionales por la Universidad de Chile. Periodista Universidad Finis Terrae.

Maximiliano Moreno Saravia, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Analista Político y Asuntos Internacionales, Licenciado en Estudios Internacionales de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile.