Revista Enfoques Educacionales <p>This periodical publication is intended to divulge results on scientific and technological research in Social Sciences, specially in Education, as well as references and outlet of specialized knowledge in the field. The main topics refer to education in all its levels and related fields; preference is given to works originated in or referring to Chile and Latin America, whether in Spanish, Portuguese or English.&nbsp;</p> Universidad de Chile es-ES Revista Enfoques Educacionales 0717-3229 Contexto Carcelario Y De Protección Institucionalizada De La Infancia: Miradas Desde El Paradigma De La Complejidad De Edgar Morin Este texto es un homenaje a la obra del pensamiento de Edgar Morin, en su centenario, sus obras y sus ideas de pensamiento complejo, nos abren un abanico de miradas para construir una sociedad mejor. Viviana Soto Aranda Copyright (c) 2023 viviana soto aranda 2023-12-26 2023-12-26 20 2 234 254 10.5354/2735-7279.2023.65757 CHILEAN EDUCATION: GENDER IDENTITY IN DISPUTE The scientific article analyzes the social construction of gender identity in Chilean education. It highlights that identity is a polysemic concept that is constructed and reconstructed in various spheres of social life, and that the education system proposes the construction of a common identity. The study is based on the analysis and bibliographic discussion of relevant precedents to offer a vision of the current panorama. It argues that the differences between men and women are historical social constructions that affect gender relations. It emphasizes the need to question outdated stereotypes that limit relationships between people and suggests promoting relationships based on inclusion and social justice. Andrés Parada Olivares Francisca Beroíza Valenzuela Copyright (c) 2023 Andrés Parada Olivares, Francisca Beroiza Valenzuela 2023-12-26 2023-12-26 20 2 202 218 10.5354/2735-7279.2023.70604 Ke Cheng And Curriculum: An Analysis Of The Western And Eastern Concept For Curriculum And Its Influence On The Development Of Inclusive Education The curriculum is configured from a Western conception, which ontologically has been characterized by individuality, competition, the idea of progress and a particular way of organizing the world. However, the Western in the curriculum does not allow observing other ways of understanding the phenomenon, so it is relevant to observe other visions. In this sense, through a theoretical reflection and bibliographical review, relevant elements that broaden the way of understanding the curriculum are presented in the ke cheng. For this reason, throughout this essay the definitions of curriculum will be analyzed to contrast them with the ke cheng, with the purpose of observing points of convergence with educational inclusion. It has been observed that there is no point of convergence between ke cheng, curriculum and inclusion, since while in one inclusion is an ontological part of the term, in the other it has been reactive to social and educational needs. Gabriel Castillo Tello Isaac Collao Morales Copyright (c) 2023 Gabriel Castillo Tello, Isaac Collao Morales 2023-12-26 2023-12-26 20 2 219 234 10.5354/2735-7279.2023.73222 How Is The Current Regulation On School Evaluation, Qualification And Promotion Articulated In The Evaluation Regulations In Antofagasta? <p>This article contributes to identify the levels of implementation and articulation of the current regulations on evaluation, qualification and school promotion (Decree 67/2018) in the regulations of five educational units of the city of Antofagasta, rated as "insufficient" by the Quality Assurance Agency in Chile, with the aim of providing recommendations that can strengthen and turn such regulations into guiding instruments of the evaluation process, highlighting formative evaluation as a focal point, which allows students to be accompanied in the comprehensive development of their learning. This research is based on the qualitative paradigm, it is cross-sectional - exploratory and descriptive. Case Study, content analysis is used as a research technique. The results show a devaluation of formative evaluation and scarce definitions of criteria and procedures to manage and resolve situations of evaluation, repetition and school promotion; this implies that the regulations disregard the current legislation and fail to transfer their essence. Finally, guidelines are delivered to educational communities for the improvement of their evaluation regulations, under the adoption of criteria and procedures recommended by the regulations of Decree 67.</p> Carola Andrea Herrera Bravo Patricio Aguirre Zúñiga Frank Honores Barrios Nicole Riveros Diegues Copyright (c) 2023 Carola Andrea Herrera Bravo, Patricio Aguirre Zúñiga, Frank Honores Barrios, Nicole Riveros Diegues 2023-12-26 2023-12-26 20 2 1 26 10.5354/2735-7279.2023.71690 Formación inicial docente en convivencia escolar: prácticas, estrategias y temáticas La convivencia escolar es una dimensión de la educación y una responsabilidad pedagógica para los docentes. No obstante, todavía existe falta de herramientas y de preparación del profesorado en este ámbito. Este estudio explora las estrategias y las prácticas formativas empleadas en la formación inicial docente para la formación sobre convivencia escolar. Se analizaron cualitativamente diez entrevistas en profundidad a formadores de formadores vinculados a dos universidades de Santiago de Chile. Como hallazgos, se respaldó la percepción de insuficiencia y de desarticulación de la formación en convivencia. Se evidenciaron prácticas y estrategias pedagógicas emergentes en las asignaturas (formación teórica y métodos didácticos) y en las prácticas profesionales en el medio escolar (taller de práctica y supervisión). Finalmente, se relevaron temáticas de interés en la formación: gestión del clima de aula, diversidad del alumnado, maltratos y violencia escolar, colaboración entre docentes y otros adultos de la comunidad y análisis de las políticas educacionales. Se espera que estos hallazgos contribuyan a la construcción de un currículum de formación docente en la materia. Laurent Loubies Pablo Valdivieso Tocornal Copyright (c) 2023 Laurent Loubies, Pablo Valdivieso Tocornal 2023-12-26 2023-12-26 20 2 27 47 10.5354/2735-7279.2023.70227 El Cuidado En Las Voces Del Profesorado: Significados Y Prácticas Durante La Pandemia De Covid-19 Given the importance of the discussion on care at international and national level during the pandemic and post-pandemic, this article presents the results of a qualitative research developed in 2022 whose general objective was to build knowledge on the care practices deployed by Chilean teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Fourteen semi-structured interviews were conducted in 2022 with primary and secondary school teachers from public schools in the Valparaíso and Metropolitan Region of Santiago, selected according to a homogeneous purposive sampling strategy. The inductive analysis of the discourses was assisted by NVivo 12 software. The results reflect a critical perspective of the teachers regarding the knowledge of the students as a necessary process to sustain a caring relationship; in which they question the feasibility of caring for their students given their working conditions; and make visible the prevalence of meritocratic discourses in the school that -even in a pandemic- exacerbated academic achievements. The analyzed teachers' discourses suggest the need for further research to delve into the practices and meanings that teachers and students give to care, considering the guidelines issued by the national policy on school coexistence and the contexts of maximum regulation of teaching work in Chile. Natalia Vallejos Silva Cecilia Cortés Rojas Copyright (c) 2023 Natalia Vallejos Silva, Cecilia Cortés Rojas 2023-12-26 2023-12-26 20 2 48 66 10.5354/2735-7279.2023.71372 The Configuration Of The Professional Teaching Identity Of Special Education Students, Through Autobiographical Accounts The objective of the study was to analyze the configuration of the professional teaching identity of special education students of a public university in Santiago de Chile, through autobiographical accounts. With a qualitative approach and narrative biographical method, this study uses analytical induction as a model, in order to understand the discourses in their globality and also in their particularity. It is discussed on the basis of four dimensions of analysis, namely: personal, social, academic and professional, which together make up the Professional Teaching Identity. It is concluded that the Professional Teaching Identity is constituted as a dynamic and continuous process, built in subjective and participative reflection, with peer groups, teachers, and other significant actors, needing constant accompaniment that dynamizes reflection in praxis. Ana María Figueroa Espínola David Román Soto Verónica Lizana Muñoz Michael Barrera Reyes Javiera Arancibia Zeballos Copyright (c) 2023 Ana María Figueroa Espínola, David Román Soto, Verónica Lizana Muñoz, Michael Barrera Reyes, Javiera Arancibia Zeballos 2023-12-26 2023-12-26 20 2 67 84 10.5354/2735-7279.2023.73277 Naturalist Intervention In Oral Language: In The Context Of The Infant Classroom The objective of this research is to analyze the effectiveness of naturalistic models in the development of oral language in contrast to the integral method, taking as a reference naturalistic intervention proposals. A controlled study has been carried out insofar as it establishes two test groups: a control group and an experimental group, with a total of 330 participants, with a quantitative scope through the application of an oral language proposal and the evaluation of learning through a pre- and post-test. The oral language development proposal based on naturalistic intervention models has an impact on all the learning nuclei, improving the results obtained by the experimental group with respect to the control group, which translates into an additional advantage that was not directly sought with the activities proposed in the intervention that were exclusively aimed at improving oral language. Daniela Puentes Chávez Copyright (c) 2023 Daniela Puentes Chávez 2023-12-26 2023-12-26 20 2 85 104 10.5354/2735-7279.2023.73221 Perceptions of art education teachers evaluating creativity in visual arts among sixth-grade elementary students in valparaíso, chile This article aims to analyze the perceptions of sixth grade teachers from municipal educational institutions in the commune of Valparaíso (Chile) when applying the four criteria from divergent thinking to assess creativity (fluency, flexibility, originality and elaboration) within the Visual Arts study program. The methodology responds to a mixed model integrating the qualitative and quantitative methods. The sample was made up of 33 teachers who conduct the Visual Arts subject. The results of the qualitative analysis show that the main difficulties to assess creativity are four: lack of sensory development in students, inadequate infrastructure, time to develop evaluation tools, the need for updating and specialization in the artistic field. The quantitative outcomes indicate that there are no significant differences in the evaluation of the four creativity criteria, nor in gender variables, specialization and years of classroom experience. Carlos Aguilera Cortés Carolina Aroca Toloza Hanns de la Fuente-Mella Nelson David Lay Raby Copyright (c) 2023 Carlos Aguilera Cortés, Carolina Aroca Toloza, Hanns de la Fuente-Mella, Nelson David Lay Raby 2023-12-26 2023-12-26 20 2 105 129 10.5354/2735-7279.2023.73003 Epistemology, ontology and axiology, philosophical perspectives to be considered in the curriculum of the Licenciatura in Civil Marine at the University of Costa Rica (UCR) Debido a la importancia de formar profesionales para la marina mercante costarricense, la carrera se dicta en la UCR desde 2012, después de 10 años se emprendió un nuevo Estudio de Pertinencia Académica y Factibilidad Administrativa (EPF), además del Estudio de Rediseño Curricular, para adecuar la carrera a los nuevos tiempos, esto justificó abordar la temática propuesta. El objetivo del trabajo es analizar tres atributos filosóficos relevantes: la epistemología, ontología y axiología, con la intención de presentar un constructo teórico que se desarrolla para contribuir en la toma de decisiones del renovador currículo que está en ciernes. Por la naturaleza del estudio este se enfocó en la investigación cualitativa, mediante el manejo del método de investigación documental, su diseño fue flexible, edificado durante la realización del trabajo y de carácter propositivo, enfocado a la exploración y cuyo marco de referencia quedó representado por reportes de investigación, artículos de revistas y libros. En conclusión, se afirma que la disciplina de la carrera es el transporte marítimo y objeto de estudio el buque. A nivel axiológico, se concibe que la forma más expedita para que el estudiantado asuma valores relevantes es a través del modelaje del personal docente de la carrera. Miguel López García María Alejandra Ramírez-Ramírez Copyright (c) 2023 Miguel López García, María Alejandra Ramírez-Ramírez 2023-12-26 2023-12-26 20 2 130 151 10.5354/2735-7279.2023.69759 5E: Una metodología centrada en quienes aprenden The purpose of the research was to analyze the practice of the 5E methodology in the philosophy course in students at a private university in Lima in order to identify its contributions, purposes, characteristics, advantages and educational competencies developed. This qualitative research used the focus group technique with its semi-structured guide as an instrument. The information was analyzed with inductive coding. The results show that 5E is an active, innovative, and learner-centered learning and teaching methodology; it allows connecting real-life situations to learning and dialoguing theory with the real and vital world. It contributes to meaningful, deep, authentic, and lasting learning. It develops complex academic and socio-personal competencies. Its advantage lies in the fact that it makes students the protagonists of their learning and changes the role of students and teachers compared to traditional teaching. The conclusions show that the 5E methodology is relevant to current education and student-centered and should be replicated at different levels, educational contexts, and curricula. Luis Torres Chavarría Copyright (c) 2023 Luis Torres Chavarría 2023-12-26 2023-12-26 20 2 152 178 10.5354/2735-7279.2023.71329 Indigenous family and rural school: participation of the ayllu lickanantay in educational processes The family-school relationship is one of the factors considered as the cornerstone of the education process, but this consideration is a construction that aims at academic outcomes as the goal of said process. Considering the Chilean cultural and geographical multiplicity, the study seeks to observe how families belonging to the Lickanantay Nation participate in the educational processes developed in rural schools located in ancestral territories. Methodologically, a discourse analysis was conducted under the criteria of social participation and understanding of the common language within a qualitative, decolonial framework for research with indigenous peoples. The participants were parents of the Ayllu Lickanantay, who serve as guardians in a rural school. As the main conclusion, it was found that the participation of the Ayllu follows communal logics that align very well with their ways of life and understanding of the world from their political and social position, which diverge from the predominantly academic logic considered in educational and cooperative proposals. Carlos Miranda Carvajal Copyright (c) 2023 Carlos Miranda Carvajal 2023-12-26 2023-12-26 20 2 179 201 10.5354/2735-7279.2023.73780