Revista Bricolaje <p>La revista de estudiantes de postgrado Bricolaje, de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Chile, es una publicación semestral de estudios académicos, que surge a través de un trabajo conjunto con la Dirección de Asuntos Estudiantiles (DAE). Actualmente, Bricolaje cuenta con el patrocinio y financiamiento de la Escuela de postgrado de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales (FACSO) de la Universidad de Chile. Su objetivo es promover la reflexión crítica y transdisciplinar dentro de las ciencias sociales y el diálogo con otras disciplinas como el arte y las humanidades. Bricolaje, busca transformarse en una plataforma de publicación en donde estudiantes y académicos puedan debatir y dar circulación a sus investigaciones y trabajos en torno a problemáticas subjetivas, socioculturales y políticas contemporáneas.</p> Universidad de Chile es-ES Revista Bricolaje 0719-9716 es Diego Aguirre Alvarado Pablo Bellei Córdova Copyright (c) 2022 Revista Bricolaje 2022-06-14 2022-06-14 8 es es es Copyright (c) 2022 Revista Bricolaje 2022-06-14 2022-06-14 8 11 19 es es Es es es Copyright (c) 2022 Revista Bricolaje 2022-06-14 2022-06-14 8 20 25 es es es Copyright (c) 2022 Revista Bricolaje 2022-06-14 2022-06-14 8 26 31 Is a psychoanalysis’s trauma clinic possible at a distance? In this paper an attempt is made to reflect and articulate the possibility of conducting a psychoanalytic trauma clinic through digital telecommunication devices, situated in the current context of a pandemic. A study was carried out using concepts such as the notion of the Analyst’s Presence proposed by Jacques Lacan; the principle of proximity suggested by Francoise Davoine and Jean-Max Gaudillière; The Teleanalysis described by Ricardo Carlino; and concepts from the work of Wilfred Bion. The dialogue closes with the presentation of a brief case worked at a distance, trying not only to substantiate its usefulness, but also its relevance as a tool that allows to testify and make people think about the catastrophic for its inscription in History, underlining the need to take an ethical and political stance on the matter. es es Copyright (c) 2022 Revista Bricolaje 2022-06-14 2022-06-14 8 From dogs to the environment: extending associative justice Starting from the associative justice’s framework, Laura Valentini seeks to extend the application of the principles of justice and fundamental rights in a mainly human society to non-human species, particularly to dogs. In the present work, I will show that (i) an extension such as that developed by Valentini does not necessarily have to be limited to the particular case of dogs, but can be applied to all domestic animals and (ii) that an adequate interpretation of associative justice must recognize that, to fulfill its objective, it requires above all and before everything else the protection of the material conditions that facilitate the existence of individuals and groups. Diego Renato Núñez Zerega Copyright (c) 2022 Revista Bricolaje 2022-06-14 2022-06-14 8 42 54 Entrepreneur’s appropriation of time in Rancagua The focus of the study was based on time as a belief of mastery and as an integral value to entrepreneurial work. The temporality of the daily practices from the entrepreneurs was verified, showing that the daily work time does not have chronological barriers beyond the requirements of the clients. The methods of using time (appropriation) are faced according to what were called the sub-times of time. These sub-times determined the clusters, wich formed by family time; productive time; leisure time and non family social time, allowed to generate a time distribution model different from the continuous current of the third of the working day plus two thirds of free time. This time mastery was taken as a degree of freedom for these subjects, where it could be seen as a mastery dimension. Entrepreuners from Rancagua mold time according to their perception, independently their load of the schedule. Entrepreneurship means appropriating time and managing it as a resource. This is an idea of entrepreneurs, wich in practice corresponds to a belief rooted in the culture of entrepreneurship in Rancagua. Daniel Maturana Copyright (c) 2022 Revista Bricolaje 2022-06-14 2022-06-14 8 55 71 About the unsettling event of forgiveness: An animal exploration A theoretical exploration of the event of forgiveness is proposed from the perspective of genuine forgiveness as an aporia in Jacques Derrida and the incorporation of Vanessa Lemm’s reading of animal philosophy in Nietzsche. Taking into account the aporetic relationship between memory and forgetting and the force of animal forgetting respectively. The intention is to revitalize the real possibility of forgiveness by contemplating it not Dionly as a human capacity; rational and linguistic, but animal. To forgive as an animal event would be a just and liberating donation that would allow the care of oneself and others. José Carreón Copyright (c) 2022 Revista Bricolaje 2022-06-14 2022-06-14 8 72 84 The construction of the consumer from habitus and reflexivity Consume to live, live to consume, discard, repeat and accept that consumption results in the most diverse forms of daily interaction in society. There are, however, two ways of conceiving consumption that currently require particular attention, one, which, on the one hand, refers to the internalization of the articulated structure from the beginning of our life trajectory through habitus; another that, for its part, has the power to conceive the environment, life projects, the past, present, and future, using the internal conversations that reflexivity produces. The following article gives an account of the relationship between habitus and reflexivity for the constitution of two ideal types of consumption. Juan Jesús Rivera Copyright (c) 2022 Revista Bricolaje 2022-06-14 2022-06-14 8 85 97 La chimenea como corazón del edificio de la UNCTAD III. Fragmentos del documental escapes de gas de Bruno Salas Bruno Salas Simón Miranda Copyright (c) 2022 Revista Bricolaje 2022-06-14 2022-06-14 8