
Call for Papers for the semi-thematic N° 67: (Re)defining rural territories, between the global South and North: actors, processes, scales.

Full papers are invited to be submitted via the journal's official platform by 15 March 2024.

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Hipótesis sobre la génesis de la plataforma submarina del Golfo Corcovado, Norpatagonia


  • José F. Araya Vergara Departamento de Geografía, Universidad de Chile, Portugal 084, Santiago, R.M,


The purpose of this work is to found a hypothesis on the origin of the submarine flattened surface ofGolfo Corcovado, considered as a submerged landform. This submarine landform was surveyed bymeans of sub bottom profiler records obtained on board of the AGOR Vidal Gormaz research vessel.The procured acoustic features can be homologated with similar structures interpreted as submergedweathering mantles in other sea bottoms of the world. All together, the superficial zone of the deepweathering mantle of sub-aerial etchplains shows comparable elements that can be identified in thestudied sub bottom. In order to understand the process of submersion, both the tectonic control and theage of the deep weathering were taken into account. So, the following consequents of hypothesis areexposed: a) the space between the bottom and sub bottom reflectors of Corcovado can be interpreted asregolith of basement and the sub bottom reflector, as the corresponding weathering front; b) its sinkingseems related with the regional system of faults; c) the Miocene age of the sub aerial weathering exposurelapse indicates that the corresponding mantle pre-dates the etchplain submersion and that, therefore, thesub-bottom features represent a submerged etchplain surface; and d) a fundamental problem is the lack oftotal stripping of the weathering mantle during the submersion; the corresponding response can be givenonly after the knowledge of some complex processes, exposed succinctly in the discussion.


submarine landforms, submerged etchplain, morpho-acoustic analysis, submersion processes